Sunday, September 9, 2012

Movie Quotes

"I know you think being different is bad, but it’s not. You don’t worry about coloring inside the lines, you know? You’re your own person. You don’t care what other people think. It’s brave being who you are. Well.. sometimes I color inside the lines. It really depends on the picture."

- Ramona & Beezus -

Thursday, September 6, 2012

My Paper Craft

Udah lama pengen bikin paper craft tp ga tau cara buatnya, ga sengaja nonton Hitam Putih yang ngebahas tentang komunitas paper craft / paper replika dan dijelasin deh cara bikin paper craft. Saya tertarik dan buka web komunitas paper replika : di web tersebut banyak template paper craft yang bisa didownload gratis. Saya coba download satu template terus saya edit sesuai yang saya mau. And Finally hasilnya not bad lah :D

Paper Craft yang saya buat. Thanks ya

Sunday, May 6, 2012


Saya dan teman saya (Ali) mendapat tugas membuat project multimedia dan kami sepakat untuk membuat iklan dan jadilah iklan fatimah spirit, iklan ini berkonsep motion graphic dimana kita membuat animasi dari kumpulan foto yang ditumpuk perframe sehingga terlihat bergerak. Software yang kami gunakan adalah Photoshop CS4 dan Adobe After Effect CS4. Semoga kami mendapat nilai yang baik. Amin :)


 Enjoy the video !!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

3th Anniversary

♥ Happy Birthday 

Monday, April 2, 2012

lyric quotes

love this old song

Thursday, December 8, 2011

movie quotes

"George : He told me he was going to leave it alone
Sally : You told him we weren't together
George : What should I have said?
Sally : What did you want to say?"

-The art of getting by-

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Welcome December

Awal tahun 2010 saya pernah memposting tentang list barang yang ingin saya miliki di tahun tersebut (bisa dilihat disini ) dan tanpa saya sadari ternyata barang-barang yang ada di list tersebut beberapa sudah saya miliki. Menjelang tahun 2012, saya membuat list tentang tempat - tempat yang ingin saya kunjungi, and I hope someday its come true.

"Make your list about whatever you want to do or have and believed someday that its come true"

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Friday, October 7, 2011

Curve Girls blog inspiration

For the curve girls who want to search information about curve's fashion, there are many fashion bloggers are discussing it and I'II shared to you about my favorite curve fashion bloggers who can be your inspiration. here they are

Although they have a disproportionate body, but they are very confident wearing any clothes. I really like their style because very inspired. So love the way you are :)

and but the way you can check my second blog about curvy girls fashion here
thanks :*

The little white

I have a notebook, my father give me it to my practical work purposes. Actually I want to buy new hp but I think really need it to my study. Really love this netbook Asus Eee PC X101H, very light and like the colour's white. Bismillah, I hope my practical work is completed on time.
but the way I give an information from my sister about happy meal toys and i want it so much. I want hello kitty red watch so cuties. must have it :D